
Browser Game in ancient Egypt - Ready for your travel in the Egyptian civilization? A world made of war, rituals and scientific discoveries is waiting for you!

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Game overview

Anocris is a real-time strategy game that takes you into the world of ancient Egypt. Here you will experience the heyday of this mysterious civilization and start your own Egyptian settlement. Will you be able to turn it into a mighty empire and take control over the Nile?

➔ Main points:

  • Build the highest pyramids in the world, create your empire and take over the leadership on the Nile!
  • Use the powers of Anubis and Ra, recruit your army and lead it to victory!
  • Learn secret sciences and cross the threshold between this world and the afterworld!
  • Cast spells on your cities and influence the course of history!

Full review

It is the year 1,200 B.C., and a brand-new settlement emerges on the banks of the mighty water stream. With admiration and wonder you gaze at the fertile plains, gigantic pyramids, and endless expanses of the Great Desert. Welcome to the land of the pharaohs!

Giant pyramids, mysterious sphinxes and omnipresent gods

Experience the 3,000-year history of ancient Egypt in your own skin!

Egyptian metropolis on the banks of the Nile

Found your own city, erect authentic buildings of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and use their effects to your advantage.

Units of the era of Ramses II

Recruit charioteers, Anubis warriors and the Medjay, use the clairvoyant powers of the high priests of Amun, and go into battle!

Technologies of the Egyptian daily life

Explore advanced technologies of the ancient Egyptian civilization and use them to develop your city.

Spells and festivals

Secure divine help and strategic advantages for your city by celebrating ancient Egyptian festivals and enacting season spells.

Resources & production

Make strategic choices in resource production and obtain the highest output.

Tribes, diplomacy and wars

If you want to move forward, you will need trustful allies. Join a tribe and cooperate with other pharaohs.

PvP and PvE

The interactions with other players, be it war or cooperation, is the main focus of the game. Anocris also has a strong PvE component that allows you to interact with nomad camps.

Ready to enter the world of Anocris? Click here to play now!
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Graphics: animated artworks
PvP: guild or factions PvP
Cash shop influence: average
Exp rate: medium

There aren't many browser games set in ancient Egypt

What We Liked..

A well-crafted world

Convincing artworks

Lots of things to take care of

.. and what we didn't

Same core dynamics of all browser games

Fun factor
3.5 out of 5
3.5 out of 5
3.5 out of 5
Worth A Try

Review summary

  1. Giant pyramids, mysterious sphinxes and omnipresent gods
  2. Egyptian metropolis on the banks of the Nile
  3. Units of the era of Ramses II
  4. Technologies of the Egyptian daily life
  5. Spells and festivals
  6. Resources & production
  7. Tribes, diplomacy and wars
  8. PvP and PvE

What we liked..

A well-crafted world
Convincing artworks
Lots of things to take care of

.. and what we didn't

Same core dynamics of all browser games
Graphics - 70 / 100
Fun factor - 70 / 100
Longevity - 70 / 100
Originality - 70 / 100
Community - 70 / 100

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