Rainbow Six Siege: Golden Gun mode available

Despite having previously announced it, Ubisoft had not yet announced an official release date for Golden Gun, that is, a new limited-time game mode that would make its appearance inRainbow Six Siege as part of plans for renewed support for the title, which will now boast temporary modes with special ... » read more
Overwatch 2: Blizzard's hero shooter sequel officially announced

As anticipated by several leaks that had spread around the web before the event began, the stage of BlizzCon 2019 was the Irvine-based giant's chosen opportunity to unveil to the world the new chapter of Overwatch, which, contrary to rumors, will indeed be called Overwatch 2. In spite of ... » read more
Will Google Chrome soon welcome an entire section dedicated to its browser games?

If you are used to surfing the Web relying on Google's now-dominant web browser, Chrome, then chances are you have come across Dino at least once, the cute game starring a "pixelated" dinosaur that usually makes an appearance should there be any problems with the Internet connection, so that ... » read more
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